Monday, January 9, 2023



Our two month stay in Kula Lumpur is coming to an end , far too quickly. But we will take with us an eclectic range of memories

Hotel afternoon tea with family
Christmas decorations replaced overnight by Preparations for Chinese New Year

Infinite number of the latest in coffee bars

Yes , the local advice is  that pork is good for you, assuming you are not Muslim. Strange I remember my French doctor saying the same about ( French) wine

Some of the plumbing a bit worryingly, water pipes laid in sewers 

Chinese were the first ‘ visitors ‘ They married off a princess to the local Sultan , which started yet another  food varient . Fortunately the power of the admiral was feared by the Emperor, and the fleet decommissioned , saving Europe…..that time !

A dying skill, key cutting by hand 

Cut price laundry facilities 

An incredible skyline
Ancient tea factory 
A grandiose front gate 
Imperial splendour
An infinite variety of food . we did our best but barely scratched the surface . 

We will return!!!!!

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