Saturday, December 31, 2022

Ruffled feathers .

With the old year fast disappearing , and it seems to happen quicker each year , I like to review the progress of our neighbours ; since that has  such a profound effect  , both for us and our offspring’s future . 

We have just been woken up , well  before dawn,  by that infernal machine that blows out vast plumes of diesel fumes ( they say to control mosquitoes ) .Now this is strange as in many cities diesel cars are banned , as their exhaust  allegedly kills the inhabitants .Yet, here we are , having to breath great clouds of the stuff ; and this practice  goes on year after year.   I can’t help wondering what is the life  expectancy  of the poor guy on the end of the contraption. However  , there  is little concern for the lowly, especially immigrant,  employee ; no change there. 

Now the best way of staying cool, especially in tropical latitudes , is simply to stay out of the sun . For this,  trees or greenery is best,  as in absorbs the light ,converting it into more green stuff . So can you please explain to me why there is this continuing wish to live in bigger , and flashier glass houses which do the opposite of those trees . Then to exist , on comes the AC, increasing outside temperatures still further . No power , inhabitants would cook!  …and still year on year it is getting warmer making the problem even worse; . Short term solution , for those with the money and power, more AC : those without , well that’s their problem !

Crossing roads can still be dangerous , despite more lights and fences . These do not stop those cars getting even bigger and faster. What is the point of being able to accelerate at the speed of light , then having to break hard at the next obstruction ? I suppose those with electric propulsion are feeling smug that they are not exhausting that CO2, but where do they think the electricity comes from? I suppose the noise pollution has decreased, but perversely that makes life more dangerous for all the rest of us! 

What is it with these beings that seem to spend all their time looking at little screens . They have stopped looking at each other , or their surroundings ; and then when they do talk it is with this creature called Siri . This then enables their owners to do even less . The other day I even saw a robot replacing a waiter in a restaurant . Don’t they realise that they themselves are becoming superfluous. Maybe for the planet that will be a good thing . 

In the meantime , they still seem to need more and more stuff . A seemingly infinite growth in outlets provides for their every whim . That queue at Louis Vuitton is still there 10 days later ! Just how many handbags are needed ? Don’t they realise each one represents consumption of the earth’s finite resources. Some do , but too many others are in denial. Maybe this coming year further climatic or man made disasters will prompt more action. 

Apparently this year’s end will be marked by less fireworks , to show political solidarity with some block of  voters . For us that is only a good thing . Do they realise that us tree dwellers are scared witless by the sound of what seems to us as an onslaught by mass ranks of ‘chaussers’.  So we will sit in our eyries , thinking about what has passed , who we have lost , and hoping for a much improved new year; time will tell! But we will be up at dawn as usual singing with joy to welcome in the first morn of a new year. 

Setting sun reflects the passing of another year 

You called my lord?

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