Monday, March 14, 2022

Travelling ( updated )

“With a song in my heart”……

“It’s nice to go travelling , to…”.. Maldives, India, Spain and Ecuador ; but after four months, now it’s time to be “ homeward bound”. So , with at tinge of sadness…” I’m leaving on a jet plane, don’t know when I’ll be back again “. Enough of that!

As it turned out , the plane was the easy bit taking us as far as Madrid. Our ticket included three 25kg cases each ….. whilst the train from Madrid allowed for three cases , the total was 25 kg . RENFE will not allow more. So much for encouraging passengers to take the train rather than plane . After much mildly frantic investigation, provided the solution. They would collect our excess bag from our Madrid hotel and deliver it home for $ 90. An incredible service from a Belfast based company. ( time will tell if it actually arrives; but it is insured, maybe !) . 

The other challenge was returning with two tall African wooden statues which had arrived in the container from Malawi. A snow board case was the perfect solution, but unobtainable in Ecuador. Amazon would ship, but customs and delivery made it prohibitively expensive. Fortunately our bedroom’s next guests (hot bedding) arrived from the States , and before we left, offering a customs and delivery free option. Addendum..this bag also needed to be shipped , but being oversized cost euro145. All arrived , one day early via Barcelona, Lyon, Marseille!!!.

“Rain drops keep falling on my head…”., well our stay coincided with the rainy season . Global weather changes has increased the amount ,so at least farmers and hydroelectric generation will not be short. Not so good for the stability of deforested steep slopes. Oh dear, Argelès was on an amber warning for heavy rain , and the stuff would continue to fall for our first week home. We will definitely be “ keeping the home fires burning “. 

The train journey from Madrid to Figueres is a wonder of technology. 4 hours, 600 km , maximum speed 350km/hr. Travelling premium so we could take some luggage with us, also included € 20 for breakfast. Looking forward to something special at that price . No ! small print: Covid restrictions means no food …just the charge ! RENFE might have the hardware, but not customer service.  Addendum Covid restrictions eased, breakfast provided !

Next year’ s journey, well we will see. A blog reader suggested the International Space Station ; but the mad man in the Kremlin has made that area of international cooperation another casualty. “Fly me to the …moon “ I’m not one of the multi billionaires. Just a silly song ….. 

“Trains and boats and planes”. : 12 flights , four boats ,innumerable cars , that train,

(4 currencies, 6 Pcr’s , ): 36,000km. phew!

« Oh it’s so nice to go travelling,

But it's so much nicer

Yes, it's so much nicer to come home”


A welcome home!


 This time it's the much travelled men that dwarf giraffes !


  1. Wow. You have more energy than I, I think. Travelling back and forth between Devon and Southern India is enough for me at the moment. (Though if I had time for a trip to the Mediterranean, I might change my mind!)

  2. Our door is always open .....when we are there!!


Crowded Places

Now that looks painful! …. And planes. Looking up at the sky it doesn’t seem all that crowed; Flight-tracker tells a different story ( see s...