Saturday, January 21, 2023

Virtual Reality


In physics, the Coriolis force is an inertial or fictitious force that acts on objects in motion within a frame of reference that rotates with respect to an inertial frame. In a reference frame with clockwise rotation, the force acts to the left of the motion of the object.“

Phew , So now you know ! In simple terms the water goes down the plug hole in a different direction depending on whether it is  north or south of the equator . ( anticlockwise in the south…I just checked ! ) . We had crossed the equator , so the direction had changed . Each time we do, the plane judders ..” seat belts on “ . So perhaps it affects planes also? A change in reality !

The stewardess replied to my comment on the relative cold in Melbourne , after all it was the height of summer , with “ it is 18C “ Blimey, we only had summer clothes  packed . “ No problem mate “; that well known Aussie phrase ; “it will be 37C tomorrow “ . I was ; but the day after 17C . This can’t be real , it seems Melbourne has weather , but no climate .

The reality change continued with the language : Medibank was not a bank , but a health insurer; Metro was not the underground , but a shop; Pokies not a house of carnal sin , but slot machines ; ‘Give-way to peds ‘ …pedestrians not pedophiles .” its the perfect time to secure the perfect place “ . “Limited positions available “ 

Not a job advert , but envisioning a longer ( indefinite stay ) …read the small print !

In this strange world , even “ The King “ is supposed to reside somewhere other than he does …maybe??

The ultimate in customer care continues !!

This terracotta soldier had apparently escaped his resting place and joined the Italian immigrants 

A different approach to procreation ? 

This facility was permanently unavailable , as it had been filed in , leaving just the sign and fence …well I hope that , and it is not still functioning but basic !!

 Now this was not a bricklayers convention , but as it turned out the ultimate escape  from reality 

Not Paris , but a strange likeness to Notre Dame ( minus scaffolding )

Now this is the closest we will get to reality . The actual Royal Exhibition Building . Constructed in 1888; when all around it was still bush . The aboriginals must have wondered what was reality . 

But inside : The ultimate in Lego ..

This star ship took two MEN ….this stuff is not for children…14 months to build 

This enormous L gauge ( lego not light )  railway set had it’s own permanent club !

Even the pictures were constructed in Lego . ..and dresses

So we escaped back into the “ real “ world where the sex of the chefs could not be determined by their hair ; and they served eggplant chips . 

Tomorrow we will flee this strange world to the interior of this country/continent . Perhaps a different reality ? 


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