Saturday, March 23, 2024



“ No man is really defeated unless he is discouraged “ ( Bruce Lee ) . This morning I am stepping out with confidence ; the weather is cool and overcast and I am feeling good . Nothing to discourage me in beating  my previous best time : of 1hour 9 minutes for my 6km walking route. With the potential for a fierce sun at 2500 m and on the equator , and early start is essential . Today is the day .

I have been timing my route of several weeks , so as to provide an objective . My Apple phone provides a timer function complete with lap options . So it is Lap 1 : 12 minutes to the reservoir; Lap 2 & 3 : 22minutes each around  the reservoir embankment ; Lap 4 : 12 minutes home . A target time of 1 hour 8 minutes to beat. Recording those times in itself requires concentration , having the phone app open at just the right time , then making sure the buttons aren’t  inadvertently pressed at the wrong time . 

Starting;  I am off,  striding out with determination , keeping that stride length and pace constant . This requires concentration ; swinging those arms to help maintain the momentum . It will be 12 minutes before I can check if I’m on track . Ah no , 12.04 , 4 minutes too slow.  So chest out , spring off those toes, swing the arms , concentrate of speeding up. 

For me it is impossible to concentrate just on the act of walking for over an hour , my mind wanders , among other things , thinking about what can be in the net blog . So I though about  inspiring physical achievements  , how  athletes just keep going ; perhaps a bit of that could rub off on my aspiration to beat my own time .

Netflix have some great docuseries ( I think they also made up the word  ) . Anyway one of those was based on a woman called Diana Nyad ; who decided at the age of 60 decided to swim between Cuba and Florida , having first failed at the age of 28 . The distance in 110 miles , takes over two days of constant swimming . She followed an underwater light at night, used  electronic shark repellents, and  a special face  mask to avoid jelly fish stings . On the fifth attempted she succeeded , now at the age  65. To maintain her concentration she sang ( in her head ) continuously . I must learn sufficient songs with the right rhythm ( Stayin’ Alive is one ) .

Ah back to my rhythm ; swinging  those arms , especially uphill. Scott of the Antarctic must have had incredible mental strength . To spend weeks walking to the Pole , only to find he was second . His discouragement , poor weather and lack of food no doubt contributed to his demise. I ‘m just walk-in 6 km in near perfect weather , so not quite the same ; but I must maintain my pace ! 

Three of the four laps completed , and the time is looking good . Ok , I have twinges from my foot and slight stomach pain . It reminded me of my school cross country event , which was considered compulsory for all pupils ; sadists ! 440 yds was my best ( greatest )  distance . I finished , can’t let the house  down ; but was then promptly sick . 

This last lap is slightly uphill to add to the discomfort ; perhaps this is my “ wall” , apparently what marathon runners have to breakthrough to finish . This is a gentle , almost invisible hillock . With the end almost in sight and a good time possible , I speeded up . 

Finished in 1 hour 6 minutes and 38 seconds . Smug satisfaction. Ah but next time out this has to be the time to beat !! 

 Ah wait we will soon be back in Argeles , and with all this training at altitude,  I will have to find a more challenging exercise route !




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