Wednesday, April 7, 2021

 Moving On

 The first physical manifestation is the arrival of acres of cardboard and yards of sticky tape. Familiar shapes of home transform into giant brown blobs or into a series of indistinguishable boxes. For domestic relocation , a van fills the street  outside to cart all to its new location . For international transfers, a ubiquitous container is the transfer medium. We are moving again .

Newly married , we decided to invest in a freezer so as to preserve the allotment produce and take advantage of bulk purchase of meat . The salesman tried to sign us up for a life membership for a new freezer centre ; but we opted for just the freezer . Not just any freezer , but an almost commercial size one that minimised purchase tax . The delivery men almost failed to transfer it to our first floor flat and through to a spare back room .

 Filling it involved weekly trips to the Central Market ,at close when bargains could be had ; then  to be delivered in rucksack, by bus. Purchase of ‘half a pig’ , was just that , including half a head . I am sure it winked ; so it went to a grateful dog . That freezer enjoyed six  different garages , so moving was less stressful . The puzzle was that at its end, some twenty years later , it still contained frozen gooseberries from a much earlier time . The move was international now , so freezer and fruit were left behind .

Different countries offered new purchasing opportunities , so part container allocation grew to filling a 40 ft one ; 60 + cum metres . Despite leaving for a new assignment with just suitcases , we invariably returned with a container. Repeated international trips filled both house in France, children’s houses and also the garage .Abroad , packing involved a small army over several days . Unloading in France, it was two men with a forklift truck, leaving in time for dinner.

This week that cardboard again arrived ; spare and newly purchased furniture packed up ready for shipment in an opposite direction; for family relocation to the southern hemisphere this time . After twenty years we can finally see the end wall in the garage ! The container was topped up with continual deliveries following internet purchases ; getting stuff is far too easy  . Of note was four years supply of Cola Cao ( the Spanish cannot be without it ) and the ultimate in eco mattresses ; comprising coconut and seaweed, allegedly edible for ultimate disposal ?  .

Aquisition , then moving on, is a family preoccupation .


  1. I assume it's a 'child', not yourselves, who are re-locating!

  2. I sympathise—we have moved way to often. After our last move Jesse said he refused to move again! In India iwe did nt have containers but taking down air conditioners and reinstalling them always seemed a huge job. And then there were new mosquito screens to get out iin, etc etc. We are so thankful to have a permanent base in the UK now. We thought to return to India months ago but with the ongoing Covid saga we are still here. And very much enjoying I might add!

  3. I sympathise—we have moved way to often. After our last move Jesse said he refused to move again! In India iwe did nt have containers but taking down air conditioners and reinstalling them always seemed a huge job. And then there were new mosquito screens to get out iin, etc etc. We are so thankful to have a permanent base in the UK now. We thought to return to India months ago but with the ongoing Covid saga we are still here. And very much enjoying I might add!

  4. I sympathise—we have moved way to often. After our last move Jesse said he refused to move again! In India iwe did nt have containers but taking down air conditioners and reinstalling them always seemed a huge job. And then there were new mosquito screens to get out iin, etc etc. We are so thankful to have a permanent base in the UK now. We thought to return to India months ago but with the ongoing Covid saga we are still here. And very much enjoying I might add!

  5. No idea why my comment was posted 4 times🤔

    1. You are definitely in the best place at the moment; catastrophic in India now . Hope family all OK


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