Thursday, April 1, 2021

Its only Polite !

…..Polite to let them in first or give up your seat to ladies and the elderly . “David ! what are you doing ?” said a shocked mother who just witnessed her son try to board the bus in the order of the queue. In Southport , the Lancashire retirement capital, ladies board first ; I had just returned from Birmingham  where no such custom existed.

 We had just visited an amazingly preserved Roman amphitheatre located in the middle of the Tunisian desert : El Jem. The official entry fee was in cents , but the guide would offer a private tour behind the scenes for a few dollars buckshee ; initiative exemplified . The train was crowded as it rocked back to Tunis and ,to my consternation,  a lady many years older then myself , offered up her seat . In Arab custom , it’s very much a man’s world.

The waiting area in the laboratory had been zoned to minimise the spread of Covid . If all the people visiting were sick , or testing for something ; then this was indeed a sensible precaution . However the layout was puzzling as there were two adjacent seats . So I remained standing . To my horror , a young lady stood , offering up her seat to the apparently elderly gentleman now standing . Oh dear , it seems as life is catching me up !!


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