Thursday, February 29, 2024

Stayin’ Alive. ( Bee Gees )



I need to circumnavigate this exercise route along side a local reservoir , without breaking any of the posted restrictions. Regular exercise to help me keep alive for a few more years !

Reservoir just after construction ; now completely surrounded by upmarket housing. Built on the side of a hill in an earthquake zone , I hope those embankments are big enough !

The reservoir is a large balancing pond serving it’s associated power generation station . The first indication of its purpose comes from the sight of two adjacent huge chimney like structures, which are actually surge columns to prevent the feeder pipes to the generators from  bursting in the event of sudden shut down in generation . For me surge is a very real issue . When in India , surge broke a valve on our pumping main , and killed a passing innocent stranger ! 

Hibiscus is a flower that thrives in this climate , the temperate temperatures , no frost , and frequent  rain is perfect for them . Incidentally it is also the national flower of Malaysia . Unfortunately the bloom really only last a day , but what a day ! . 

Life is good when people come together to help each other “ A wonderful inspirational phrase spoken by a women whilst firmly strapped into a stretcher ; waiting to be carried down a North Wales mountain, by Mountain rescue .( BBC TV ). She had unknown serious injuries , and after some persuasion ,  had been given strong pain relief . Her rescue from probable death ,  prompting her insightful comment . She was going to stay alive !

 Uv Index  Extreme: 11+
Take full precaution. Unprotected skin will be damaged and can burn in minutes. Avoid the sun between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., cover up, and wear a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen. Don’t forget that white sand and other bright surfaces reflect UV and increase UV exposure.” 
 …. I better walk quickly before the sun is fully up . We are at 2500m , on the equator , so on a clear day we keep out of the sun . Yet around the pool at the local country club , still some people sun bathe !

UK Foreign Office travel advice . “ Advise all but essential travel  “ … to the west of the country . Guayaquil is firmly in the centre of the war against the drug cartels .It is OK to go to the  Galapagos , but all planes stop briefly in Guayaquil . All seems eerily  quiet at the moment ; never the less our trip to see tortoise as been deferred to next year . In our view not worth the risk …..”Stay’n  alive ! 

I have reached the end of the path , without recourse to …A nudge from a song like “Stayin' Alive” appears to help ensure the pace for CPR. Participants in the study listening to the song performed CPR at the recommended rate, about 100 beats per minute.  “ 
Well the Bee Gees would have been surprised by the benefit of their song ; although I suppose they didn’t do very well , with only one of the original 3/4 still around .
. I just hope that I am not on the receiving end of that CPR ; but it will add an additional emotion when listening that  song .

Stayin’ Alive ….Much to the disappointment of this pair of black vultures which have taken up residence at the end of the path . Fortunately they are not Condors , with a 3 metre wingspan , which would be truly scary close up . This pair had decided feeding would be much easier right next to bin that receives , amongst other detritus , dead fish from the automatic screen cleaner on the inlet of the reservoir .

This Heath Robinson contraption , is the automatic screen cleaner …or bird feeder.
Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother
You're stayin' alive, stayin' aliveFeel the city breakin' and everybody shakin'And we're stayin' alive, stayin' aliveAh, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' aliveAh, ha, ha, ha, stayin' aliveOh, when you walk

It’s also a good rhythm for walking , so I am off tomorrow for another  6 km .  I can’t miss views like this .

I trust I am around for the next leap year blog 

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