Sunday, December 31, 2023

Tempus Fugit

I don’t think this one of KL’s residents will be seeing in the new year !

Was it really exactly one year ago when we admired the view of KL, and waited for 2023 to arrive ; and now it’s waiting for 2024. That sound rather depressing . A better phrase would be what can we usefully  do with these hours . It’s not just sitting waiting for that final curtain ; but packing the unknown available time with wondrous things that our time on earth potentially offers . So getting off that butt ; what did we do last year ? 

Wow ! we completed our global circumnavigation. OK generally others did the hard work .  We are not of the Jessica Watson ilk . Who, on May 15, 2010, at just sixteen,  became the the youngest person to have ever sailed solo, unassisted and non-stop around the globe.( great Netflix drama ). Two of our children live exactly geographically diametrically opposite each other ( to be precise KL is 101 degree E , and Quito is 78 degree W , both close to the equator .) That is useful at a pub quiz level , but it is airline routes , and costs,  that matter . Hence our navigation which in 22/23 went all the way round , but this time ( 23/24 ) arriving via the UK, we reverse direction travelling back to Quito via Europe .

So that is a lot of travelling ; but it is good to be 6 months back in France, to maintain residency status and ease travel insurance . ; .. and of course it is our home, which is nice to inhabit once in a while . Summer in the south of France is delightful and the garden demands our attention . Our input is rewarding , this year with raspberries and tomatoes proliferating in  the potage . All need watering in the hot dry summer ; using recycled water . That of course, in itself , needs sufficient bodies in the house to produce the raw stuff . So we entertained Home exchange guests and our family for two months .  This keeps us busy; and we have something other than the plants to talk to ! 

The highlight , if that is the word , of last summer was the drought and accompanying fires . It is probable that most of those were started deliberately . There are some really sick people around . The largest was enough to prompt our evacuation ; and then on return the elimination of 10 pine trees now deemed , by me , as too close to the house . The accompanying blog did swell my readership to a giddy 67 , up from low teens . I shall have to establish how to entice interest without a risk to life ( mine ) . 

We discovered Wordle this year , so each day starts with a family competition on who can discover the word in the lowest attempts . Coupled with Sudoku and a simple crossword , it keeps the brain active . Longevity  is assisted by regular physical effort , mine now  being a 3 mile walk each morning . The last 12 months feature has , however , been marked by frequenting a seemingly endless series of great restaurants. This has, very recently,  prompted an attempt at dietary control.  This I will not refer to as a new year’s resolution in case it follows previous failures . 

I am hoping that Jamie Oliver can help through the coming year , his menus always look so healthy and easy to recreate. We recently  discovered Sous Vide , and thus will add that to next years activities . Other major projects will include increasing the houses’ fire containment and adding extra AC . Our response to global warming , that and praying for rain ; our stream ceased to run virtually the entire year . Then we will look again at an Electric car , our diesel BMW is now 10 years old and will be banned in an increasing  list of conurbations . Will evaluate the practicality of integrating with the house solar panels  to provide on site electrical storage . Plenty to keep mind and body active during the coming year . 

So all that is left for the passing year is too wish all my readers a happy and prosperous New year ; and trust  we join in the festivities for ‘25 : 

Monday, December 25, 2023

Christmas in KL


Christmas started big with a bang ; or rather 3 hours of jazzed up Christmas classics belted out this larger than life local singer and three piece band . 

Still bopping , we retired next door to an equally funky Mexican restaurant . Not sure what this artist had been on !

Christmas Day demanded some recompense : exercise to make bodily amends . This was our local view ; unfortunately from a video advert

So the next best thing ; “ a walk on the wild side “ ; well in our little bit of forgotten tropical forest …complete with lianas from which to pretend to be Tarzan 

But no ! The local residents required tranquility . Those monkeys are sensitive creatures . 

To get to the forest I first had to scale the “ local hill” complet with security guard. 

The roads were equally deserted , apart from some energetic types ( the dog that is ) , and a passing runner who must have been wearing all her Christmas present ; I could still smell her perfume from 50 metres away 

Oh , then there is always the local cops having a nap at the end of their Night Shift 

Of course , I can’t escape the city entirely ; its impossible to hide the highest building in Asia : I suppose that’s not its objective . 

..Nor is futuristic architecture 

It is sad to see what little jungle there is fall to the developers construction . Another private megalith . 

The local residents are striking back . This van is advertising “plant a tree to save the planet”

And this house is adding its own bit of greenery

And so is this office block 

But back to Christmas Day ; it looks like the shoppers are all shopped out !

However our local coffee shop was still in the festive mood giving away free cake 

…and brandy. ! with our coffee

Christmas is also about giving and receiving . My book was about this guy who is as fearsome as he looks . I am glad I never worked for him !

Thursday, December 21, 2023

A deep breath

‘ Just take a deep breath ( it won’t cause pain?) ‘ . Now where have I heard that before , and do I believe it ?; especially when uttered by a nurse . I was somewhat perplexed as she was taking the needle out !  I suppose to part with some of my precious red stuff there has to be some discomfort . The reason for this , was the results from an earlier blood screening offered at a discounted price at our local pharmacy ; well actually one of three in our local shopping centre , so I suppose this was competition ‘  in practice’ …This had come back with slightly elevated CA 19 -9 , a cancer screening test . Following an internet search of the Mayo’s clinic , with their opening phrase   “Healing starts here ... Effective treatment depends on getting the right diagnosis. Our experts diagnose and treat the toughest medical challenges.  “ …it was off to see a proper doctor; although not at this point to the USA.

I should explain that this is Kuala Lumpur and not the UK . The 20 minute taxi ride ( Grab , their Uber) cost 3 euro , and at the hospital the taxi door was opened by a concierge . The receptionist was instantly available , and apologised that that hospital’s cancer expert was not also instantly available . It must be the looks that count , as I was offered a geriatric expert instead . (  Cheek ! )  . So straight to see him , though not without registration ; a compute number is indispensable ; and confirmation on the method of payment : you don't get this level of response free!  Having recounted my myriad of supplements , my understanding doctor suggested that these be ceased for a week , and the blood test repeated . 

 So back to that deep breath , a blood sample and a discussion 1.5 hours later with my very nice Doctor . The result was still elevated , so for safety , he recommended a CT scan . That would have taken place straight away , but for the fact that I had just eaten ; so now I had to wait 4 hours. After payment , the  preparation for the scan first involved redressing in a hospital gown .This must have been one of those millions rejected by the NHS, as even with printed instructions , re robing  was almost impossible …for me . It must be that geriatric bit ! After all sorts of dubious looking fluids were passed into my various orifices and blood stream ; the scan passed without incident . They apologised that as they were very busy , could I wait for the results until the next morning ; no problem , I would prefer that they not do a  rush  job , especially as this was a Friday afternoon , and that in a Muslim country .

On my early morning walk , the air was crystal clear ; and the only sound being bird song . Taking a deep breath , I just enjoyed the moment . Both my parents had lived to their mid 90’s ; so if I can follow them I had about 7000 more days left . Reflecting on that , I ascend a (Steep?) incline with a fair bit of puffing and panting . Well you have inflict a bit of discomfort for proper exercise so that  this ageing body gets through all those days . A near miss from  an on coming car got me thinking of the wider picture . 

 In January we are currently planning to fly by Dubai on route to Madrid and Quito. But perhaps that will depend on what is yet another war zone ; although instead of calling it a «  special military operation »; this one is ‘ allowable self defence ‘ . At some point even the Arabs will say that’s enough collateral damage ; a convenient  euphemism for dead women and children . Perhaps for health reasons we will have have to take an alternative route .

Halfway through breakfast , my nice Doctor rang me ! …. Now that’s enough by itself to change the breathing pattern . …and the results from  the Scan :  I still have potentially what is now 6999 days to go .  

PS . The total hospital bill was only € 380 !

Crowded Places

Now that looks painful! …. And planes. Looking up at the sky it doesn’t seem all that crowed; Flight-tracker tells a different story ( see s...