Monday, December 25, 2023

Christmas in KL


Christmas started big with a bang ; or rather 3 hours of jazzed up Christmas classics belted out this larger than life local singer and three piece band . 

Still bopping , we retired next door to an equally funky Mexican restaurant . Not sure what this artist had been on !

Christmas Day demanded some recompense : exercise to make bodily amends . This was our local view ; unfortunately from a video advert

So the next best thing ; “ a walk on the wild side “ ; well in our little bit of forgotten tropical forest …complete with lianas from which to pretend to be Tarzan 

But no ! The local residents required tranquility . Those monkeys are sensitive creatures . 

To get to the forest I first had to scale the “ local hill” complet with security guard. 

The roads were equally deserted , apart from some energetic types ( the dog that is ) , and a passing runner who must have been wearing all her Christmas present ; I could still smell her perfume from 50 metres away 

Oh , then there is always the local cops having a nap at the end of their Night Shift 

Of course , I can’t escape the city entirely ; its impossible to hide the highest building in Asia : I suppose that’s not its objective . 

..Nor is futuristic architecture 

It is sad to see what little jungle there is fall to the developers construction . Another private megalith . 

The local residents are striking back . This van is advertising “plant a tree to save the planet”

And this house is adding its own bit of greenery

And so is this office block 

But back to Christmas Day ; it looks like the shoppers are all shopped out !

However our local coffee shop was still in the festive mood giving away free cake 

…and brandy. ! with our coffee

Christmas is also about giving and receiving . My book was about this guy who is as fearsome as he looks . I am glad I never worked for him !

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