Friday, January 27, 2023

Botany Bay

 Thursday( 26th January for late blog readers ) was Australia Day , celebrating  253 years ago when Captain Cook arrived . Ok!  not all the current inhabitants are celebrating , but they are now in a minority . Their community in Alice Springs has even less to rejoice, as alcohol has just  been severely restricted ; following exceptional violence . It took the Captain two years to arrive , albeit via New Zealand . We now know how it feels to go to extraordinary lengths to get here; and we were only travelling across a bit of  the continent,  from Melbourne !

“Let’s take the train , it will be an experience “; and it was , but for reasons we were not expecting . We knew the Intercity to Sydney stopped at 19 stations and scheduled to take 11 hours; not our concept of intercity  . Ours however was 4 hours late in arriving into Sydney; the story unfolds . 

Firstly there was the ludicrous step of having to check in our large cases. I had read this on the ticket , but assumed it applied to outsized items . It also said the check in closed half hour before departure . This was becoming more like air travel , but without any of the efficiency. The other restriction , now rigorously enforced ,was that weight was limited to 20 KG per case . The baggage handlers were clearly not of the same breed as sheep shearers. Our cases were 22kg; so it was out with our standby folding case. As a  final insult , it seemed that these baggage rules had only been applied to us,  and anyway  there was plenty of spare storage capacity in each carriage .

Tannoy…” The train leaving from  platform 1 ( ours ) will be late due to the late arrival of the inbound train “ A frequent passenger commented that it is always late . Quick maths deduced that as there were two trains per day , each scheduled for 11hours ; so without spare trains , any delays would be cumulative.  Ours left 1.5 hours late due to the theft of signalling wire and the need to expel runaway children ; now how did they get on in the first place ? Our fellow passenger commented that that was just the current excuse from their standby list . 

We alighted at Wangarratta , ( love the name ! ) , to spend a few days with the rellies . We rejoined , and yes this was also 1.5 hours late . Clearly in the intervening days it hadn’t managed to catch up . The excuse this was time was , as to the high temperature , speed restrictions were in force. As a reminder , this bit of Australia was  unseasonably COLD . I suppose in a normal summer the train never arrives . Still we set of full of optimism that they would try to makeup time. Australia is a federation of states who’s cooperation does not extend to train crews . They all changed, including the contents of the buffet car ,  at the state boundary ; which fortunately was also a station . There seemed little urgency in this arcane practice . 

The original railway engineer clearly had an aversion to tunnels and bridges , there was only one of each on the whole 866km. The landscape was undulating , visually attractive , but requiring continuous bends to navigate by train . No chance in making up time here. .

One hour to go and the train made an unscheduled stop , yes they were originally going to by -pass this last remaining station . Tannoy announcement “ Due to the presence of a self-harmer on the bridge  ahead,  this train  will remain at the platform “.  Passengers with nearby support , made a rapid exit along with any available taxis . Rumours swirled, apparently we were to be bused the remaining hour .  The 300 or so passengers mostly alighted ; along with cases… thats a bit of a misnomer ! Generally milling ensued , not sure whether to abandon the safety of our train . Further advice from harassed train staff “ this train will NOT be going to Sydney “ . With no other activity however we generally drifted back on board. Train announcement   “ body has been cleared from  the line we will be shortly resuming journey” . Just as well , we had to go with the flow as there was no alternative as our mobiles were both nearly flat . We arrived  at midnight , those 4 hours late . The advertising phrase came to mind “ let the train take the strain “ ! We will drive next time .

Should I stay or should I go ? ( The Clash. )

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Virtual Reality


In physics, the Coriolis force is an inertial or fictitious force that acts on objects in motion within a frame of reference that rotates with respect to an inertial frame. In a reference frame with clockwise rotation, the force acts to the left of the motion of the object.“

Phew , So now you know ! In simple terms the water goes down the plug hole in a different direction depending on whether it is  north or south of the equator . ( anticlockwise in the south…I just checked ! ) . We had crossed the equator , so the direction had changed . Each time we do, the plane judders ..” seat belts on “ . So perhaps it affects planes also? A change in reality !

The stewardess replied to my comment on the relative cold in Melbourne , after all it was the height of summer , with “ it is 18C “ Blimey, we only had summer clothes  packed . “ No problem mate “; that well known Aussie phrase ; “it will be 37C tomorrow “ . I was ; but the day after 17C . This can’t be real , it seems Melbourne has weather , but no climate .

The reality change continued with the language : Medibank was not a bank , but a health insurer; Metro was not the underground , but a shop; Pokies not a house of carnal sin , but slot machines ; ‘Give-way to peds ‘ …pedestrians not pedophiles .” its the perfect time to secure the perfect place “ . “Limited positions available “ 

Not a job advert , but envisioning a longer ( indefinite stay ) …read the small print !

In this strange world , even “ The King “ is supposed to reside somewhere other than he does …maybe??

The ultimate in customer care continues !!

This terracotta soldier had apparently escaped his resting place and joined the Italian immigrants 

A different approach to procreation ? 

This facility was permanently unavailable , as it had been filed in , leaving just the sign and fence …well I hope that , and it is not still functioning but basic !!

 Now this was not a bricklayers convention , but as it turned out the ultimate escape  from reality 

Not Paris , but a strange likeness to Notre Dame ( minus scaffolding )

Now this is the closest we will get to reality . The actual Royal Exhibition Building . Constructed in 1888; when all around it was still bush . The aboriginals must have wondered what was reality . 

But inside : The ultimate in Lego ..

This star ship took two MEN ….this stuff is not for children…14 months to build 

This enormous L gauge ( lego not light )  railway set had it’s own permanent club !

Even the pictures were constructed in Lego . ..and dresses

So we escaped back into the “ real “ world where the sex of the chefs could not be determined by their hair ; and they served eggplant chips . 

Tomorrow we will flee this strange world to the interior of this country/continent . Perhaps a different reality ? 


Monday, January 9, 2023



Our two month stay in Kula Lumpur is coming to an end , far too quickly. But we will take with us an eclectic range of memories

Hotel afternoon tea with family
Christmas decorations replaced overnight by Preparations for Chinese New Year

Infinite number of the latest in coffee bars

Yes , the local advice is  that pork is good for you, assuming you are not Muslim. Strange I remember my French doctor saying the same about ( French) wine

Some of the plumbing a bit worryingly, water pipes laid in sewers 

Chinese were the first ‘ visitors ‘ They married off a princess to the local Sultan , which started yet another  food varient . Fortunately the power of the admiral was feared by the Emperor, and the fleet decommissioned , saving Europe…..that time !

A dying skill, key cutting by hand 

Cut price laundry facilities 

An incredible skyline
Ancient tea factory 
A grandiose front gate 
Imperial splendour
An infinite variety of food . we did our best but barely scratched the surface . 

We will return!!!!!

Crowded Places

Now that looks painful! …. And planes. Looking up at the sky it doesn’t seem all that crowed; Flight-tracker tells a different story ( see s...