Monday, November 28, 2022

Senses Assailed

 It sounds like a cross between a motorbike and chain saw; but is actually a powerful blower. Fogging is what it is called , which is blasting out partly burnt diesel fumes to kill/control mosquitoes . When these regularly carry malaria and dengue , it is serious business , and carried out weekly around our block . A great fog drifts passed, but by then we have closed all windows. Unfortunately, for maximum effect , it starts  at 6.30 am , no need for an  alarm call that morning . A notice in the lift advises that on the first Monday of the month , extra chemical is added to also control rats and cockroaches. This is definitely a time to stay indoors. I don’t see anyone sleeping rough in KL!

By 7.30 , the air has cleared sufficiently to take our granddaughter to catch the school bus , and for me to set out on my daily walk. I’m in the middle of the city , but appear to be on the edge of the jungle . Trees adorn the top of this hill , and there are actually patches of virgin jungle that have somehow escaped house construction . Road noise is blocked out by the terrain , so especially first thing in the morning it is a magical time . The air is still, sunlight streaks through the canopy reflecting off water droplets left behind after the overnight rain . Strange birds call to each other , jungle fowl ( , which look like wild chickens ) scurry past . A walk on the wild side?

There is a crashing of branches as a troop of monkeys set out to explore the neighbourhood . Bars on windows are essential for these . There seems no uniform response to protection from human predators. The occasional house has an electric fence or spiked railings , most apparently nothing at all . Our condominium has guards on the gate and at the entry doors , which gives a sense of security , reinforced by our elevation . The guards also patrol , including checking the emergency  staircase ; all 22 floors of it . They look appropriately fit !

Meanwhile I am completing my circular forest walk , extending greetings to those passing in the opposite direction . This is frequently twice as we cross by on the diameters ( I had to dredge my maths to work that one out ) . During the week us walkers tend to be of a certain age ; at weekends the serious fit emerge , normally as runners and cyclists . I try and forget how may times they pass by. For me the exercise  finishes in a swim in the block’s olympic sized pool. The development also comes complete with two squash courts , table tennis , and fully equipped gym. Residents must all retain excellent fitness other than the use of these facilities ; those are invariable deserted. 

Morning routine is capped off by a visit to one of the may coffee shops in the adjacent mall. It is at the top end of those in KL . In must be , as the other day ,  judging by the car’s size and royal crest in lieu of number plate, the king ( or queen ) had come to shop or buy. Malaysia is very democratic as there are 9 Sultans , who take it in turn every five years to be king . The role is mainly ceremonial , except that this year with hung parliament , it was the king who appointed the PM . This is now Anwar who has been trying for 25 years to get the job . He had previously been jailed on trumped up charges ; but released with a change of PM . That one is now in jail , along with is domineering wife, having been involved in stealing  billions from the state pension fund  . I suspect that he hoping Anwar reciprocates by releasing him . I wonder if he is hoping for the same for his wife ? 

25 years ago I met Anwar while my company tried to sell advanced water treatment to help solve a water shortage . It was used to treat water from a golf course , which was then drunk by the  then  PM  ( Mahathir. ). Anwar asked pointedly if the water had been safe to drink . Of course I replied , any other response, then I would have been in jail. It can’t have been any other, as Mahathir, at the age of 97, has only just failed to be re-elected as an MP . Bloody good stuff our water !

The city is never far way

But this Banyan tree reminds that nature can soon take over in the tropics

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