Saturday, May 28, 2022

Oh I do like to be…..

 It seems as though we have had days of perfect weather : hot , still and cloudless. Well we have ! Is this really Argeles , so many windless days? The effect of global climate change ? A stroll on the prom with friends enjoying the first inklings of summer . With such perfect conditions, a sea trip to Collioure by boat, beckons. Azur blue sea and the vermillion coast . What could be better?

The boat leaves at 10.20 , yet in our holiday spirit, it was a scramble to be there on time . Strange , when we have ‘all the time in the world’  , there doesn’t seem enough of it . Gang plank up , and our craft departs for Cap Bear , by way of Collioure and Port-Vendres . Leaving port , the captain turns north , the opposite direction planned . Ah there is now some of that wind and with it a swell , especially close to land . So to spare the passengers from too much rock and roll, we headed for deeper and calmer water . 

The view of our coast  from the sea is always amazing .It is only from this perspective that it is possible to appreciate the true beauty and drama of Les Alberes meeting the Mediterranean . In no distance 1000 meters peaks tumble into the sea . Ah I remember it well , the last leg of the GR10 , the long distance path from Atlantic to Mediteranne and a 500 m steep descent .The total route takes some 35 days , I was warming up on the last two! Toes hammered against walking boots ; the blacked nails taking months to recover . Lesson leant: when starting such descents , first tighten boots to stop toes sliding downwards .  

An easier route down was to follow “Le Chemin de L’eau “ and it’s Tunnel de Aigua . A gentle descent following a gravity pipeline which intercepts four springs high on the mountain side and  which carried water to Port Vendres . Built in 1890 to meet the growing needs of the Port ,with its’  steam ships and steam trains .  8 km long including a 200m rock tunnel , a feat which was duly celebrated just two years later ; no doubt with more wine than water. Over the years man has increased in height , so traversing that tunnel requires knees to be bent ; hat necessary to cushion the inevitable bumps . The water supply was refurbished this millennium to provide water to the hamlet of Rimbau.

I digress , so back on the boat we entered the calm waters of Collioure. However , the bay seemed full of men in rubber boats from the ‘Centre national d'entraînement Commando’ . If you have to do your military training , what better place . The gendarme were also practicing their scuba skills . Hours of entertainment for the tourists, ( us included as we had disembarked for lunch ). 

Suitably replete , and reinforced with some of Collioure’s great wine , we boarded for the return . In the intervene hours the wind and strengthened and the sea grown . Now the captain had  captive passengers, he was going to have some fun…with us . The boat pitched and rocked , but the sea stayed , well , in the sea.  Explaining that this is all part of a summer experience , the throttle was opened , and the passengers on the aft deck were suitably drenched . 

Oh I do like to be beside ( but not in ) the seaside.

A calm start!

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