Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Green Shoots

 There is something deeply satisfying watching an electricity meter not going round , while actually using the stuff. This time it is perfectly legal unlike a previous meter which had been adjusted by its former owner. Of course I am betraying my age , as meters no longer have dials , just electronics . With the new Linky meters they have to be interrogated by computer , and that the day after . Progress? 

However my latest gismo gives almost real time analysis of consumption , and if the sun is out , supply . So I finally bit the bullet , or rather wrote the cheque, and had solar panels installed,  together with some fancy electronic control . I would like to say that it was it was my green credentials coming to the fore;  but in reality it was “ that mad man in the Kremlin “ that gave the final push , in this case to the rapid increase in energy prices. In his equations of madness , I bet he didn’t think his actions would help in the fight against climate change and spur this consumer into action.

In just one day last week 16 panels were installed on the roof by 6 fit young men , helped by a ‘cherry picker’  This  could deliver the panels to their final destination, without risking the lives of those numerous people clambering over the roof . I for one was very nervous of their antics . The original house owner died following a fall from his partially constructed roof .

 The sun the next day brought a surge in my generation capacity , potentially up to 6 KW. Without heating or AC , that more than meets our consumption ( given that important factor of sunshine ) and excess sold  to the grid . 

Now, I have concluded that EDF and the government are to on to a pretty good deal .I pay for the capital cost ( with some minor support ) and then potentially get paid 10 cents a unit ( KWH ) , which of course is liable to income tax . EDF can then sell MY electricity at 15 cents ; …plus VAT ( more money to the government  ) . At the moment EDF haven’t  actually completed the formalities , so don’t pay even the miserly 10 cents. For them it is all profit , with no incentive to speed up the bureaucracy .( apparently I have to wait 5 months ..like everyone else !! )

Before the advent of electricity , life was influenced  more by the rising of the sun , and with it , all important light and warmth. With solar panels , suddenly the sun again  is  determining our actions . Dishwashers and washing machine usage is dictated by availability of solar power, rather than off peak EDF power.  I know ,  is only a minor inconvenience compared to pre-industrial times, but it takes some adjustment. Fortunately  the solar panel gismo can send instruction to ‘intelligent ‘plugs’ to do all that switching . 

I can just relax , in the smug satisfaction that I have turned a little bit green ; and maybe in some distant time , recoup my capital outlay.

Green electronics

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