Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Oh, I do like to...

 …To be doing Yoga beside the sea . Well I would like to , but there was no way I was going to try and match the two lithe young ladies doing their ‘ sun salutations ‘ at Sardine bay  ; or to give it its proper name : Plage de L’Ouille . Our name comes from the main dish at the local  summer restaurant , and location of the limit of our physical activity .

It was fabulous Monday spring morning, which had banished the thoughts of the last two weeks of rain . So we set off on our favourite walk along the coastal path  from Plage de Racou to Collioure. There was absolutely no wind, so the sea was a blue mirror; it look enticing . However the thousands of boats remained in their marinas , that perfect sea left to two lobster fisher men , and the marine police launch . As there was absolutely no other activity , I can only assume that that the boys in blue were out to shake off the winter cobwebs.

The path winds up and down, precariously clinging to the cliff edge . From time to time bits fall off , but today it was intact and open .So too were the gates, that in the summer are closed  at night, to enable adjacent happy campers to get a  good nights sleep. Today was too early even for spring visitors , the spectacular view was the preserve of us locals .

Half way the path descends to sea level , and that beach . Normally the beach holds back the river , but today, after all the recent rain, we had to wade across. The first across were those two ladies , who then  unrolled their yoga mats . Whist they proceeded with their impossible contortions, us older mortals struggled just to reach our feet to remove shoes and socks. A sobering reflection of the generation gap.

…To be by a roaring log fire . It seemed that winter had fought back , and for four days the fire stayed  alight, warming ancient bones .  Obligatory night time forays to the loo had their advantage; it enabled wood to be added with sufficient regularity to maintain twenty-four hours continuous combustion .

…To enjoy gardening in the spring . New growth  is appearing and  planting is in full swing , with thoughts of summer blooms and vegetable surpluses ( I am the perpetual optimist ) . Ah Ah , we already have four days of strawberry production; well one per day . A taster , this time for us, and not the birds, as the potage is completely netted . But is the net spacing big enough for bees to germinate the profusion of blossom ? But wait , summer has arrived ; the first swallow has returned to its'/our garage from its' African sojourn. Exciting times indeed .

A tale of two generations

Two days production

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