Friday, December 31, 2021

Blog reflections

 The  last hours of this year tick by, and the house is suddenly quiet  (dogs, children and adults have set off for an evening walk) ; church bells are pealing across the valley . It  is a time for reflection on the year passed , and thoughts for that soon to start. Blogging has proved a vehicle for description of current  events ; and now is a  useful reminder of the year’s highlights. Of projects completed , of life’s impacts , of travel , and of the magic of the world around. 

As a water engineer  , that medium , not surprisingly , has been dominant; especially as we found ourselves running out of the stuff. In the South of France with a pool , acres of land and as a holiday destination, it was nearly a catastrophe . Normality was restored with borehole , well and pool refurbishment ; then judicious use of the recycled water . Children could swim, adults bathe , and flowers and vegetables watered. Even the rain prompted a joyous response. 

Ah , thoughts of vegetables and the considerable effort unleashed by the project to establish a potage, and that in a space previously occupied by couch grass. I can now report that despite some disappointing failures , edible product is being produced ; in some cases in abundance . This autumn has unleashed copious sprouts , cauliflower , cabbage, potatoes ,and late raspberries  . Our timing has been terrible as we have left for extended travels. Still those remaining have feasted on the gardens largess…and the result of all that work !

We live in a never changing world and have had to adapt and plan accordingly . Nature can sometimes be harsh, and climate change is very real. Our response has been installation of lightening conductors , standby generator , alternative water sources, and fire prevention measures. It can also be magical , especially with the adjacent Les  Albere, and La Méditerranée . A sunrise or full moon brings  shadows and light, with colours and shapes into joyous relief. A still morning punctuated with bird song lifts the spirit.

This departing year cannot but be defined by Covid. It has ruled our lives throughout the last twelve months . From lockdowns to gradual normalisation made possible by vaccination . Though not without a terrible toll , at a personal and economic level . Then just as we thought the worst was over , along comes Omicron  ; we seem back to square one. 

For us ,before this latest chaos, we departed on a 30,000 km odyssey, taking in the Maldives, India, briefly Madrid, and now residents in Ecuador. From the tranquility of a desert  island ,to the vibrancy of a Bollywood wedding. A  whirlwind of experiences; and a lifetime of memories; and we have yet to savour South America’s offerings . 


So that brings us to the rapidly approaching year; and first thoughts of family and friends, and an earnest wish for health and happiness. Fireworks are bringing in a noise start, but we hope for a level of normality in an increasingly chaotic world. Covid, economic and political upheaval will surely ensue ; and we will have to increasingly adapt to climate change, whilst minimising its impact . 


As the local clocks strike twelve , all remains is to wish my blog readership a Happy and Healthy New Year

A year in a coffee cup

1 comment:

Crowded Places

Now that looks painful! …. And planes. Looking up at the sky it doesn’t seem all that crowed; Flight-tracker tells a different story ( see s...