Friday, May 28, 2021

Freedom is Relative ( continued)

 I want to break free  ;.... but freedom from what ? We have had our second jab , so soon we would be Covid free ( potentially ); and now travel is a possibility . So we will be on the road again. Ah , steady , we are not totally free, there is the new kitchen garden to consider . First  a replacement waterer was trained; then we were free to go . But where to ? Covid restrictions are still in place , and keep changing ; freedom is proscribed . 

Reading the small print , we were within the 35 km French / Spanish border area with free travel , Covid test not required .  35 degrees of freedom . Google maps defined the area , so we departed for the bay of Roses . The border check was perfunctory , we were home free . The car enjoyed its newly discovered unrestricted speed (  within the legal speed limit ) ; propelling us to freedom’s limit .

Empuria Brava was our destination , liberty to renew friendship . Early morning and the enormous beach is deserted , apparent infinite space to indulge unrestricted activity . The broad expanse of sand, sea and sky , an explosion of opportunity . My ageing limbs limited possibility and distance covered . Sea temperature discouraged further exploration . 

A ‘cafe con lèche’  provided recuperation , relaxation and then reflection. Freedom to think and enjoy . Parrots squawked in the adjacent palm , the sky their space . Above, a plane droned upwards then discharged their passengers in free fall , enjoying freedom from gravity’s  constraints ;  only for a few minutes until parachutes deployed .

I was at liberty to consider and enjoy all these , and debate politics with my adjacent drinkers without fear of police intervention . So lucky to live with this freedom . Contemplating my situation I concluded that freedom was always relative ; but  most important was internal calmness , to enjoy  what was available and achievable 

Strolling along the coastal path gave magnificent views of the freedom the Costa Brava had to offer. A Cristal clean sea, intimate coves, tumbling cliffs . The path itself was a construction marvel , opening up new vistas at each turn . Access to these coves available to all, not just for the local resident. One couple were determined to enjoy to the full this new found liberation . Vodka, peach snaps and cranberry juice are the cocktail ingredients. Theirs was the name in action; much to the embarrassment of the passing author.

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