Saturday, March 27, 2021

 Moon Thoughts

A blackbird searching for worms in the early morn, special  stones in a bowl, a passenger leaving the flight before it stops , and a golden hue over the bay of Calvi . All these have one thing in common : a full moon . 

Tonight sees a full moon rising in the east . It would have been spectacular except for a patchy cloud covering . Worm moon is one of the names given to the last moon of winter , or in the case of this year , the first of spring . The worms are rising , and thus our blackbird pair were busy feeding in preparation for their forthcoming brood.

The special stones are ( perhaps ) Amber and Fluorite . Amber is actually fossilised tree resin ,
much valued from antiquity to the present as a gemstone . It has also been used as a healing agent in folk medicine. Fluorite is the  stone of positivity . They were laid out under the full moon to recharge their anti arthritis properties .

For stories of ‘daring do ‘ it is difficult to beat that of the flights of the Lysanders over occupied France . Flying at night , with only navigation a map and compass , the pilot used moon light to search out hidden ( from Nazis'  ) landing strips . The plane avoiding actually landing  and the agent , well padded , had to leave ‘ at low altitude’. The welcome was hopefully Bonjour and not “ Halt “ ( with  German accent ) .The Germans knew little about the aircraft and wished to study one. Soldiers captured an intact Lysander in March 1942 when its pilot was unable to destroy it after a crash, but a train hit the truck  destroying the cargo.[19] . A lucky plane  indeed ,which managed to repatriate 128 agents .

Our Corsican holiday was in Calvi , with its pristine beach , magnificent food and wine . Whilst partaking of the latter one evening , a bright orange globe rose over the hills to the east , illuminating the bay and burning the view into our memories. 

Full moons are always special.

fuzzy moon setting clouds now !

Wednesday, March 24, 2021


 School Support

 The evening was warm and still , with the sun settling quickly over the Canigou. There was still time to enjoy an interlude from  the incessant wind. Supporting our local Lycée was our duty that night ; achieved through the enjoyment of a meal prepared by the students . Rillettes de saumon au curry, sablé à l’encre ;Risotto aux gambas ;Cheese-cake marron . The menu didn’t disappoint; supported by Deprade Jorda’s rosé; and  concluded with a Torres 10 brandy by the fireside.

As ( grand) parents , it is our duty to support school activities . Lycée C. Bourquin maybe a political name , but it offers a catering and hospitality speciality. Given that tourism is Argeles’s  raison d’être ; then this speciality is logical and welcome. More so, in that it offers for sale it’s culinary output . So we can fullfil our obligations  through the simple expedient of consumption .

So this evening , as we dined on our balcony , whilst watching the evening shadows lengthen , we could do so in the righteous  ambiance of support for our local educational establishment. Grandparent duty fulfilled. 


Staffordshire pottery, chinese pattern, malawian cloth, Argeles wine and food. Internationalism at its' best.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021


 A Malaysian business man has just paid $2.9m for the first ever tweet ; which said "just setting up my twttr,”.  It was auctioned off by Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s founder ( for charity ) and paid using  'the ether cryptocurrency', whatever that is !  Such a payment  is incomprehensible, what would I pay , well nothing!  What does it say about current values; are they that ephemeral .

It did, however, get me thinking about what I value . Covid , strangely , has assisted that process; in triggering my blogging ( I actually have to think before writing, and would never 'twit'),  and giving time back for understanding and appreciation.

Never before has a vaccine had such a psychological impact , let alone a potential life saver. A cloud lifted as the needle entered ,and it disclosed a brighter horizon . One without fear of rapid morbidity , and perpetual worry for family, friends… and well everyone. Due to various quirks of location, all the family has now been vaccinated , protected in countries with rudimentary health services. Those  clouds have truly blown away; an inestimable value.

So for the last year we have avoided hospitals , voluntarily and by exigence. So have all our family and friends . Never before has good health been of such value. But we have missed physically meeting and interacting , even just touching . The internet has helped , but cannot replace lack of contact. A covid reduced world will be a wondrous  existence .

Finally , we live in a country and society where I can actually write and publish this without the fear of an authoritarian state hauling me off for re-education . I can call our leader ‘ a moron ‘ ( which I do frequently ) without  imminent retribution (which I could expect in Poland ! ). For me, something I truly value .


Saturday, March 20, 2021

  Its Never Enough

  The results of the first lottery was being broadcast ..and  we had the first three numbers . We  were already debating how to spend  our first million before the next number was called . Oh well perhaps next time , which of course continued for the next …too many years . But we did win ! Informed by long distance call which cost more than our winnings .

We always had the same numbers , so couldn’t stop in case they came good . Now living abroad our ‘bets ‘ were placed for us ; with the hope that we would actually be told ! We never were; and our agent never exhibited new found wealth. It always kept the dream alive , so perhaps it was worth it .

Time moves on , and the prize can be over euro 100 million. So we are off again, but this time with random numbers . Third time lucky , we have won again ; but only enough to cover the bet that day . Would the jackpot be enough , so we started to plan .

A super yacht is out , the harbour in Argeles is not deep enough . There would then be the costs of the crew , a distant mooring and another house .  Not enough.

So relocation to our own Caribbean Island . Perhaps with his Virgin money problems, Richard’s would be for sale . ( As part of the super rich we would be on first name terms ). Not enough for either !

Maybe we could buy our current view , Les Albères  . French land prices would preclude a serious share of the massif . Not enough .

Of course then there would be family, and all new found friends ; and naturally a reward for my loyal blog readership . Not enough ?

 Perhaps it would be better to wait until the jackpot reached USA levels : USD 1.586 billion , shared between three , perhaps that would be enough …. but I wouldn’t want to share it !.

It’s never enough.

80m Mega Yacht COSMOS Unveiled By Heesen | Worth Avenue Yachts

Thursday, March 18, 2021


Well the 'free' hosting location with Wordpress and Hostgator turned out to be potentially expensive with demands for more money despite having paid for three years. Refusal to pay anything more was met with dire warnings of banishment to the far reaches of the internet.  

I speak to you today from some distant electronic galaxy  hoping the comensurate delay does not spoil your reading .

Given that my readership does't stretch to double figures I am trying this 'free' location . So far, no demands ; so I will continue . 

Time for writing is limited at the moment , as I seek to protect the half-finished greenhouse from imploding with the current continous gale. Polycarbonate sheets MUST to glued to everything to keep in place . Already on my third tube . Have three more for when wind subsides and can put roof in place . 

So adieu for now; and apologies , spell checker not working !

Jolly Gardener

Work in progress

Crowded Places

Now that looks painful! …. And planes. Looking up at the sky it doesn’t seem all that crowed; Flight-tracker tells a different story ( see s...