Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Dark Clouds


Sun set magnificence 

Dark clouds, or rather the lack of them , has been the issue . The declared drought restrictions include the ban on topping up private pools . These are a critical feature of holiday properties , without a functioning pool the summer renting season is at risk . So I installed water tanks to recuperate rain water together with hose pipes to enable the  pools to be topped up. 

May brought enough rain to fill pools and tanks ; but then the summer heat started in earnest. Holiday makers splashed in the pools and in one case upset pool operation. The water levels started to decline  below the skimmer . So now it was even more difficult to keep the pool clean . My brain was full of dark foreboding with the prospect of pool failure causing cancelled holiday ( income ). 

Never mind the pools , with six forest fires so far this year , would we even have a house ?. The pictures from Greece painted an apocalyptic future ; …and some of our water bombing planes have been dispatched to help. 

In the nick of time those scare dark clouds appeared , coupled with heavy rain . The pools had been saved and the forest dampened . The next morning I walked with a distinct lightness of spirit. No brain clouds for me. 

A few days later though , just a kilometre away, yet another fire ; less of a worry ( for us ) as the wind was carrying it away . The firefighting was a text book of efficiency . A spotter plane circulated continuously over head . Three helicopters bombed with water , then the area was doused with chemical retardant from a large plane flying with acrobatical panache. All was contained within the hour . They all deserve medals and a bonus. 

More dark clouds , and yes more rain.  So heavy that the pools were filled to overflowing . This storm was coupled with the most incredible lightening display . Continuous flashes overhead for twenty minutes . The paper reported 3000 flashes; I wonder how the were all counted ? Not one hit our lightening conductor ( it actually came complete with counter ) , so I still don't know if it works . Do I want to ? What happens if it fails ? 

Post storm , I was enticed into the hills for another  energetic ascent to our peak ..of 534 metres  …nearly 1800 feet sounds more challenging . A windless calm after the previous nights  cacophony . As I ascended , a sea fog/ low cloud rolled in . I turned round to a view of fluffy white , the Plain of Roussillon had vanished leaving me apparently alone in the world , except for an accompanying blackbird in full voice. 

Descending into the next valley the peace and magnificent vistas continued , but this time with the musical accompaniment of alpine sounding cow bells . Memories are made from moments like these.

I enjoy the challenging of the climb, but knees and hip started to rebel during the steep and  rocky descent . As the grade flattened , I followed row after row of leaves neatly stacked one by one . It was the previous downpour that had washed them into these meticulous patterns. 

Faced with another two hour road walk home, and now  in the sun, I summoned up my rescue vehicle ; this had been on standby expecting a wimpish call. To my amazement a nice young policewoman stop her car and enquired if I was the elderly gentleman seeking a lift . In embarrassment , I declining , claiming renewed fitness. The police had closed off the road to the valley claiming high fire risk : after all that rain ? Then taken pity after my wife’s description of her decrepit husband; obviously lost in translation. 

Only alpine cow bells disturbing the tranquility 

Intrepid alpiniste?

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