Monday, August 14, 2023

We counted them...

Now that is scary!

I counted them all out and I counted them in “ ;( Brian Hanrahan ) a memorable phrase from the Falklands war , referring to war planes leaving then returning to the aircraft carrier. We felt a bit like a war zone yesterday,  as eight planes flew over at tree top height right above us ; except these were planes that dropped water, not ordinance . Boom , and another and another ….these were gas bottles exploding not bombs ! The smoke was dense,  swirling and advancing in the strong wind ...too quickly . Apocalyptic !

All this was happening far to close for comfort. The smoke intensity grew in the 80km/hr southerly wind from Spain; but a sudden shift could send it in our direction. With visions of the recent devastation in Hawaii , we decided that “discretion was the better part of valour” ( W.S .,Henry the Fourth ! ). With the house shuttered up , fire pump in the pool and sprinklers running , we left as refugees for Louise’s summer accommodation on her campsite. A friend offered more space in an adjacent holiday home . A shower , a change into grandson’s clothes ,( top with dubious looking message ,shorts too small !)  ; with that and Rosé fuelled calm, we were able to enjoy a Pad Thai without undue concern for our physical safety. 

But there was this nagging doubt whether the house would run out of water, and we had to deal with Paul and family. They had been on their way back from Spain using the coastal train , and alighted in Collioure to avoid an uncertainty in Argeles . By now the main roads and trains through Argeles had been closed , so they were cut off . No immediate problem as they had not finished dessert!  

The smoke had subsided , although there were still flames visible and gas bottles exploding. Never the less we felt a return home was possible ; if not the road would have been closed . The house was still standing and half the sprinklers still running ; the pool obviously had not emptied .  A car collection service ( me ) retrieved stranded family via minor roads still open . It was reassuring to see a convoy of fire engines leaving the scene . We retired  behind AC , it was still over 30C , and with the shutters still closed ; just in case! 

Next morning was as though it had never happened . The wind had taken itself off else where, and the heat subsided . A calm after the storm . In places the grass was very green , the only sign, at first, of the evening's excitement. Then a plane over head and the distinctive smell of wet smoke. Apparently 500 “boys in blue “, had stayed up all night  to ensure we would rest uninterrupted.


 No! it’s still calm , time to write the blog . I had been running out of new things to say ; I would have preferred not to be writing this . It is not yet the middle of August , the drought continues and this this about the eighth fire too close to us. I hope there is no more verbiage on this subject !

With acknowledgement to Le Independent …and Google translate ( it needs some AI )

DIRECT. Fire of Saint-André : 480 hectares covered by the flames, the fire "to be fixed" and 17 firefighters suffered minor injurie

Follow our live below :

01: 00.

The point on the situation for 1 hour in the morning

The fire which occurred on Monday, August 14 to 17 hours is "to be fixed".

The fire has crossed 480 hectares. The situation was particularly delicate because of the intense heat, drought and whirling winds up to 80km/h.

More than 650 firefighters are fighting the fire throughout the night, supported by teams drones of the SDIS 66. 75 constables have also been engaged.

The air assets will revert to their rotations as soon as the day breaks tomorrow morning.

Four campsites and two subdivisions have been evacuated. At midnight, the occupants of three of the four campsites were able to return to their housing. The occupants of the fourth campsite are taken into account for the night by the city of Argelès-sur-Mer.

17 firefighters were slightly injured (inhalation of the fumes in particular). At this time, no casualties were reported among the population. 

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Dark Clouds


Sun set magnificence 

Dark clouds, or rather the lack of them , has been the issue . The declared drought restrictions include the ban on topping up private pools . These are a critical feature of holiday properties , without a functioning pool the summer renting season is at risk . So I installed water tanks to recuperate rain water together with hose pipes to enable the  pools to be topped up. 

May brought enough rain to fill pools and tanks ; but then the summer heat started in earnest. Holiday makers splashed in the pools and in one case upset pool operation. The water levels started to decline  below the skimmer . So now it was even more difficult to keep the pool clean . My brain was full of dark foreboding with the prospect of pool failure causing cancelled holiday ( income ). 

Never mind the pools , with six forest fires so far this year , would we even have a house ?. The pictures from Greece painted an apocalyptic future ; …and some of our water bombing planes have been dispatched to help. 

In the nick of time those scare dark clouds appeared , coupled with heavy rain . The pools had been saved and the forest dampened . The next morning I walked with a distinct lightness of spirit. No brain clouds for me. 

A few days later though , just a kilometre away, yet another fire ; less of a worry ( for us ) as the wind was carrying it away . The firefighting was a text book of efficiency . A spotter plane circulated continuously over head . Three helicopters bombed with water , then the area was doused with chemical retardant from a large plane flying with acrobatical panache. All was contained within the hour . They all deserve medals and a bonus. 

More dark clouds , and yes more rain.  So heavy that the pools were filled to overflowing . This storm was coupled with the most incredible lightening display . Continuous flashes overhead for twenty minutes . The paper reported 3000 flashes; I wonder how the were all counted ? Not one hit our lightening conductor ( it actually came complete with counter ) , so I still don't know if it works . Do I want to ? What happens if it fails ? 

Post storm , I was enticed into the hills for another  energetic ascent to our peak ..of 534 metres  …nearly 1800 feet sounds more challenging . A windless calm after the previous nights  cacophony . As I ascended , a sea fog/ low cloud rolled in . I turned round to a view of fluffy white , the Plain of Roussillon had vanished leaving me apparently alone in the world , except for an accompanying blackbird in full voice. 

Descending into the next valley the peace and magnificent vistas continued , but this time with the musical accompaniment of alpine sounding cow bells . Memories are made from moments like these.

I enjoy the challenging of the climb, but knees and hip started to rebel during the steep and  rocky descent . As the grade flattened , I followed row after row of leaves neatly stacked one by one . It was the previous downpour that had washed them into these meticulous patterns. 

Faced with another two hour road walk home, and now  in the sun, I summoned up my rescue vehicle ; this had been on standby expecting a wimpish call. To my amazement a nice young policewoman stop her car and enquired if I was the elderly gentleman seeking a lift . In embarrassment , I declining , claiming renewed fitness. The police had closed off the road to the valley claiming high fire risk : after all that rain ? Then taken pity after my wife’s description of her decrepit husband; obviously lost in translation. 

Only alpine cow bells disturbing the tranquility 

Intrepid alpiniste?

Crowded Places

Now that looks painful! …. And planes. Looking up at the sky it doesn’t seem all that crowed; Flight-tracker tells a different story ( see s...