Friday, October 14, 2022

Similarities and Differences

 Where else can you lie in bed all day long , determine your own dress code (or lack of)  and not feel conspicuous. ..The Sea side !  Living close , for some inverse reasoning , we tend not to do it enough . Well that’s my current thinking since I’am actually away from home ; on holiday . I suppose at home , if I lie around the pool the list of outstanding tasks swamps my serenity . 

Encouraged by family , we did spend a whole four days actually on the beach  ; and thoroughly enjoyed the tranquility it brings . With eyes closed listening to the lapping of the waves and children's excited laughter is just good for the soul . New Years resolution ( in August ? ) ; will do this more often . (Avoiding too much exposure to the sun and threat of skim cancer. )

So to extend the possibility of meeting that resolution , we have travelled down to southern Spain to increase the chances compliance. Here the weather is ( now ) sunny , the wind just a breeze ..oh and the alcohol abundant . Perfect for enjoying that bed by the sea.  Liberal doses of Cuba Libre ( Rum and coke ) aid the ambiance . Being October and close to Atlantic currents, the sea is somewhat cooler than  August in Argeles . Still after the oppressive heat of this summer , it is wonderful to have a chill in the air . Even a dip in a sea at 17/18 C is a joy . ( really ) 

Another difference is the Estapona  approach to beach cleaning : which is to send the gigantic tractors stirring up the sand in the middle of the day …just when the few us summer stragglers are trying to enjoy a pre midday siesta. A frankly absurd timing . 

Argeles tries , somewhat vainly , to present itself with a veneer of floral beauty . It has manage to increase its flower award from two to three rosettes . I’am not sure the visitors have noticed the floral improvement . They will have experienced a shock in the withdrawal of beach showers . These were eliminated as an eco step ; whist ignoring the vast quantities of water added to struggling grassed areas. They ( the Mayor that is ) should visit Estapona old town . Every street , wall and spare space has been given over to a profusion of trees and flowers . All ( I mean incredible all ) house wall have flower pots affixed complete with bursting floral abundance . It is worth a visit just to admire this competitor  to Chelsea flower show . If that’s not enough , there is the rivalry to paint the buildings with murals of the first order . Banksy, eat your heart out !!

Why is that religious institutes have to compete on size and opulence of the places of worship . Cathedrals represent a phenomenal consumption of economic resource , especially considering most are centuries old , and built at a time when parishioners were lucky to have more that one room accommodation .  On the journey south we stopped at Valencia and dutifully visited the increasing ornate monuments to religious opulence . The interiors are a riot of gothic extravagance . At the start of the civil war , the poor , fed up with the power of the church , proceeded to try and burn down these temples to wealth ( of the church that is ) . One had repeated visitations from fire bombers . The civil war was won by the wealth acquirers; so the temples have been rebuilt with restoration still proceeding . It would seem that the fundamental purpose of religion has still not been recognised . 

This musing is getting far too deep . So back to that bed ! 

Gothic extravagance 
Flowers everywhere

The height of street art 

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