Friday, October 28, 2022



« Environmental Changes «  referred to Estepona’s Fairy God-person. Well my researcher / dresser/general factotum,  has been on the case . I can now report that it is not someone with a magic wand , but one of those incredible , almost geniuses , that the human race throws up from time to time . Thinking of him ( it is a him ) , triggered an introspection of others throughout recorded human history . To name but a few:

As an engineer ( retired ) , and British ( not sure with the Westminster farce I am exactly proud of that fact ) , I have to start with Isambard Kingdom Brunel .Although both parents had spent time in jail , his father in a debtors prison , he had an education that set him on track. He was always challenging assumptions and pushing boundaries. He carried on despite , or perhaps because of , failures . The result : Thames tunnel , Clifton suspension bridge , Great Western railway , SS Great Britain fame . Oh and he designed a prefabricated hospital for the Crimean War ..   Phew  ; and no computers to help him . 

Another of those I admire :Sir Norman Foster . From poverty , he managed grammar school until 16 , then a series non related jobs until his drafting skills were discovered . Architectural studies were funded by part time jobs . Starting his own practice , it is now the largest in UK ; and works overseas. His ability to blend cutting edge technology with a human dimension has led to award wining results such as HSBC Hong Kong , Stansted Airport , Apple Park , …and my favourite ( because we repeatedly cross it ), Millau Bridge .

Oh and I have to mention the now Chief Twit (his words not mine ) .Elon Musk . Founding  Pay Pal ,Space X, Tesla, Tunnel Boring …and others !! Running just one would be a challenge to ordinary mortals. But is he now falling for that trait of those at the top …one of invincibility? ‘Twit “ will tell !

But back to earth , and Estapona , and its mayor : José María García Urbano is in possession of three professional titles: State Attorney, Property Registrar and Notary. Furthermore, he has a Diploma in German. Between 1985 and 1994, he held various positions in the Ministry of Justice, the last being that of Deputy Director-General for Nationality and Civil Status…..oh and mayor .( for which he has waived his salary , preferring it used for the municipality.)

García Urbano took on the position in 2011 with an inherited debt of €300,000,000 from the former government. The financial status of the town hall was in dire straits. Police cars couldn’t patrol because there was no money to fuel the cars, children took toilet paper to school because the City Council couldn’t provide it and even the deceased had to be transported out of the area because the crematorium no longer worked.

Fast forward to now and all those flowers , refurbishment of old city and sea front ; plus a new hospital , sports centre , town hall , costal footpath ..the list goes on : ..and a reduction in local taxes and car park fees . The man is a genius. I wonder if he speaks English , we need the help !


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