Friday, August 12, 2022


“Are you meditating ?” the nice young lady asked . Well I guess at my age they all are ..young( er ) that is . “ Ah no ! just thinking “ ; I responded , somewhat startled. I had been clearly miles away . ; well mentally at least .

I had actually been refreshing my recollection of the sites and sound of the past half hour walk , seeing if there was enough material for my next blog . I was conscious that my readership had been somewhat deprived of late, due my sloth . This I could put down to the hot weather , but in truth it was just laziness.

Back to the beach at Emporia Brava , which this morning was a vast expanse of sand, sea  and sky ; all completely calm ; at ease with itself . No wonder I was ‘ meditating ‘ . It was such a perfect ambiance for reflection .

The sea was mirror calm , a perfection of tranquility ; well until two jet skis roared past . It may have been a perfect sea for them ; but they would have been oblivious to the disruption they were causing . “ Road hogs “ I muttered ..but envious thoughts crept in “I bet they are  having fun “. I am not sure the canoe based fishermen’s thoughts  would have been the same .

The other main occupants of the returning calmness was a group of yoga practitioners . Sitting crosslegged , welcoming the sun , blissfully placid. These ladies were all definitely fitter and younger than your blogger . ‘ I should really cast off lethargy and resuming some attempt at suppleness. So I entered the water instead, for some water supporting movement.

“ Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water…“ Not Jaws , but the threat of jelly fish . The warning was posted on the shower …which you use after leaving that water ! It advised not to put on alcohol on the stings ; I guess you had to drink it instead .

High in the sky were wisps of cloud ; or was that smoke from a distant fire . I am not letting that though intrude on my peace . It clearly didn't , the occupants of the four hot air balloons, as they drifted past in the stratosphere , well nearly that !

Leaving the beach I passed what looked like ‘A lady of the night ‘ trying to entice a somewhat reluctant client . She was definitely ‘away with the fairies ‘; he still had enough faculties to make a rational decision governing his next actions . Although with sex I ‘m not sure good sense  has much to do with subsequent activity .

The morn would have been rounded off with a cafe based sojourn with croissant . No !  Their summer prices were up with those balloons . Oh well , it's back to reality after my mental drifting . 

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