Friday, December 10, 2021

Katrina and Superlatives

Superlative: magnificent, outstanding, unparalleled ; all these apply.  So I hope I can do justice to the subjects of my blog :

India . Population 1.3+ billion , the largest democracy, with the world’s oldest religion, and that with some 33 million gods. The scale of India is awe inspiring , to some overwhelming. People and activity are everywhere . It has dragged itself from rural poverty to moon landings . Unfortunately that crashed , and there are still millions in abject property . But it is a country that is vibrant, exciting and  with a people of  infinite capabilities.

Fort Barwara .Then there was the former Mughal empire which for some 200 years  ruled most of  India and beyond.It has left behind awe inspiring structures ; the  Taj Mahal being the best known .  Another is Fort Barwara which was owned by the Rajastani royal family , and for 700 years provided secure and no doubt opulent accommodation . It has now undergone extensive restoration and conversation into a hotel , recreating that opulence . The 54 suites ( no rooms! ) transport their guests back in time, so they too can  feel a bit of that royalty . 

Bollywood , has now overtaken the US film industry to become the largest centre for film production in the world . Output is some 500 Hindi films a year , with audiences of hundreds of millions. To the western eye they are a riot of colour , singing and dancing . Stars have enormous followings , perhaps a replacement for lost royalty. 

Katrina is one of those stars with 58 million followers on instagram .( my maximum blog readership is some 35 !) .Her position reached through talent and incredible hard work.  So it was with  a degree of surprise that I received a request to speak with her  , and  at my convenience ! She invited us to her upcoming wedding . I am her uncle with whom she shares none of my non existent artistic abilities and  persona .So we are off to India , to that fort,  for days of Bollywood at its best . Apparently as’ the oldest male relative of the bride’s mother’ , I have a role to play . A total  experience that can only be superlative . 

Covid, (superlative in a negative sense), has affected nearly 300 million , and turned the world upside down . Just as many countries were inching towards something akin to normality, along comes Omicron , threatening more disruption. India is already affected,: a question mark hangs over  our presence at this wedding . So will it be a magnificent experience or unparalleled disappointment?

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