Thursday, October 21, 2021

To be or not to be...


That is the question …but when in comes to insurance , for me there is no question . It could be said I am somewhat risk averse. After all we have our own lightning conductor : what are risks of being struck not once ( already happened ) , but twice ?. We have rain guns set up around the house to counter a passing forest fire , and  a standby generator to cover for a simultaneous  power cut . The basement could be turned into a fall out shelter; next project ?

 So when it comes to holiday insurance , it has to be comprehensive. Luggage could go missing ( it has ) ,valuables stolen ( they have ) , relative’s illness could demand an unplanned return ( it has) ; we could be caught in a potential war zone ( yep that has happened also ) .

 We were living in India  and it looked like they could go to war with Pakistan . Both sides had mobilised half million troops, and the paper in India had the radius of the Pakistani missiles ( nuclear ). Ah they could reach us . The French considered it all hype ; the British said we wouldn’t be rescued  if we didn't leave NOW . The propelling factor however was that if you ( as good Brits ) ignore Foreign Office advice, all your insurances  are cancelled  . So it was to Singapore for us , first class,  to ensure we got on the plane . Another potential risk covered.

Covid travel restrictions have relaxed somewhat , so we are off in search of winter warmth ; visiting family , fortunately now living in that warmth;  Maldives and Ecuador . Children’s careers had followed parent’s example of including climate in the list of country requirements . Didn't  always work as Armenia slipped into the pack ( 40 above in summer , but 20 below in winter . ) Still now ,back on track , and we are off . Insurance , no problem, obtained on line with our UK company . Paid, and minutes later document arrived . Oops ! , the now not so small print highlighting that insurance was void if you travelled against  Foreign Office advice . Ecuador was now ‘red’ , so that insurance didn't last the flight time of the email. All this computerisation has its drawbacks if the humans don't keep the information up to date .

The French of course were again more relaxed , issuing world wide coverage , and that at half the price . They did however restrict us from  vacationing in North Korea, Afghanistan and Somalia; perhaps next time .  A month to go : new improved suit cases have arrived , and case straps procured . We will plastic seal them as well …to be on the safe side . As with insurance , you cannot  prepare enough , and too early . All somewhat removed from a “ A walk on the wild side “ ( previous blog ). That too is possible with  insurance ; although surprisingly for the French it excludes inebriated induced accidents .  So abroad , with a glass in front of me, that  phrase will be haunting me …” to be or not to be “

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