Thursday, August 12, 2021


 Ah no ! , its not a time but a quantification of the increase in our population , albeit temporary in both cases. Intrigued? Read on .

The first population refers to the residents of our garage , which has now  expanded to the terrace. The first two arrived three summers ago , probably from South Africa. After their long trip , covering 300km a day , they had decided to move in to the first suitable French property …our garage . It has a high ceiling , a ledge to build a nest , and an owner who accommodatingly leaves the door open for them . The first pair of swallows  produced three others, who soon were entertaining  us with their flying displays . The pool is a convenient water source , swimmers and birds competing for available space.  

But now , three years later there are approximately 14 : its difficult to count swallows while flying ; and there are two nests with more inside . In preparation for their return next year , improvements will be required in the accommodation ; in particular to bird poo management , imperative given the  expected volume .

Our second population increase also emanated from Southern Africa, this time covering the distance within 24 hours , and far less effort .  Travelling  via  Marseilles , Geneva , Addis , Congo from Malawi , they had the same lack of difficulty crossing the frontier as the swallows . Covid checks non existent for these 5 arrivals. They were soon joined by three more , but from Asia this time ; and of course there are  the four permanent Argelèsians who participated in activities and consumption, when summer obligations permitted . Thus that made 14 ( with blogger and spouse ) to be fed and watered ( and  wined ) in various combinations .

Sadly summer is nearing an end , and with it declining populations . Swallows are practicing for their  migration ; the humans have already commenced theirs . So we will return to a calm , but empty 2 . What’s that ? we just been adopted by a cat ( female ). So its off to the vet for her , another population explosion not acceptable.

Crowded Places

Now that looks painful! …. And planes. Looking up at the sky it doesn’t seem all that crowed; Flight-tracker tells a different story ( see s...