Friday, July 16, 2021


The defense readiness condition..... DEFCON 3 : ‘Air Force ready to mobilize in 15 minutes’. ( excuse the American spelling , but after all it is a USA term ). A low flying helicopter had just triggered our  very own preparations. Rather than a threat of imminent war , ours was a wild fire much too close for comfort . 

 Clouds of white smoke were interspersed with puffs of black as another tree busts into flames . The helicopter was making frequent water bombing sorties , so the Sapper Pompiers  must be on the scene. Previously  I though the helicopter carried a small bucket , but closer inspection showed that this was a suspended pump which could fill a large tank built into the frame of the ‘copter .

This was less than 1km away and there was a strong swirling wind which could have brought the fire to us in a frighteningly short time.  So our DEFCON consisted of closing all doors, windows and shutters, placing gas bottles next to the pool ( to be pushed in at the next step ),clearing outside cushions  and gathering essentials ( phones, wallets, passports and Jan’s new iPad);  ready to flee . The fire was nowhere near our escape route so we could pause and watch . 

Our gallant men , and women ( the Chief is a woman ) overcame this fire and the smoke thinned out . We relaxed , and returned to DEFCON 1( ah no that's nuclear war ...5 ) . Shutters opened , everything put back . We did make a few alterations . Empty gas tanks were returned to depot , and spare full ones stored in the pool house ( a concrete construction with steel door.). We will consider our own drone so next time we will can see better what’s going on ; intelligence is the key to appropriate response . 



Tuesday, July 13, 2021

The First Day

The day stated perfectly , the air was calm and quiet , leaves static, making no noise . At 6 am ,the birds had finished their morning vocals ; there was just a distant car intruding on the silence . The pool was a mirror reflecting an equally blue sky with just a few wisps  streaking above. An orange globe sending shafts of light through trees. 

I slid beneath the deliciously warm water ,whilst enjoying the freshness of the air above , careful  not to disturb the tranquility . Swimming rhythmically taking in the whole relaxing ambiance .  It was after all my birthday , and this was nature’s present to me. I could muse on the past years and then just enjoy the moment .

On the other side of the house road noise disappeared whilst Les Alberes opened up with the vermillion hue , the early sun accentuating the valleys and ridges . Another moment to savour and burn into the memory. 

A present of Douet ( not drought as I first read) Cognac Petite Champagne promised future flavours , but first it was off to the beach for a family lunch . Le Nouvelle Vague restaurant wisely gave us a table apart, with an infinite beach in front ,just  for three young children . The day passed in a haze of perfection , with  wine  ,food and children’s laughter. 

A Day to enjoy , after all, it was the first day of the rest of my life . ( or a french equivalent “ aujoud’hui , l’aube d’une nouvelle vie.” )




Thursday, July 8, 2021




The recycled water tank was full , and to avoid it’s loss , the garden had to be watered . So there I was in the pouring rain singing for joy . The thunder rumbled overhead , so I kept a wary eye on the lightning conductor hoping that it would also protect me . The gods thought my singing only warranted a short shower ; but perhaps it would obviate the need to use precious water in the bathroom. 

It’s been so dry that all water is gratefully received . The pool had been emptied for refurbishment, but was now full with 60 cu m of tankered water . The borehole supplying the house decided to restart and so far so good  …as long as we are very abstemious in water use ; none for the pool. I am still singing, but with fingers crossed. 


With restrictions, showers were reduced to a 10sec wetting , soaping , then 30 sec. Wash off . No more ! The forage man finally turned up , we had to wait for him to look after those with NO water.

The pump was changed to something smaller , but adequate for in house use . Then lowered 50 metres down the borehole; hopefully now it will last a long time . So with a song in my heart ( best kept there so I am informed by the family ) an enthusiastic shower ensued. 


Last year’s anniversary present was  the song “ it was a very good year “ rewritten by blogger ; and in the absence of Frank S., sung by Jacques ; who when not flying , specialises in custom recordings . Covid prevented a blogger rendition .

This year with vaccination freedom , there was no such excuse. The song “ Just the way you are “ ( the Billy Joel version ) ; but with minor personalisation. After the first two recordings ,  Jacques gently suggested speaking the words instead . However , with electronic wizardry the singing was transformed  to the accompany a live performance . It’s the thought that counts! 


With family scattered worldwide , and virus lockdowns ; being together was only possible electronically . Part of that family managed to escape Southern Africa and enter fortress Europe . In the event the only border formality was questioning the submission of an out of date passport ; the current was on hand , so arrival secured . 

With grandchildren in the back , the car radio was playing “Together in electric dreams “. It has a catchy refrain which was being sung by all. A truly joyous event .

Singing is good for the soul .

Crowded Places

Now that looks painful! …. And planes. Looking up at the sky it doesn’t seem all that crowed; Flight-tracker tells a different story ( see s...