Thursday, June 10, 2021

Best Laid Plans

Best Laid Plans 

 Have I been planning , dreaming , or just filling in retirement’s spaces . Trying to prove that I still have my uses in these twilight years . Drawing on years of experience ; at least those bits not too far removed as to be  hazy . A strange thing , rattling those rusty brain cells exposes some surprises; well to me . Like I seem to be able to put a few words together , although I don't know where that has come from . My poor , no terrible , spelling was always a handicap. Not now; Google has been my salvation , even if it’s corrections are a little too enthusiastic

Where was I ; ah planning . So our forage ran out of water , serious …no mains supply . The 110m deep borehole was cleaned and output measured at half output of the existing  pump. So pump changed and lowered a bit . Water restored ; but with an uncertain future . The climate is clearly drying . 

First plan was put into effect . Effluent from fosse septic  was treated on reed beds and sand filter,  chlorinated and recycled for reuse . That produced too much for just pot watering , so a river feature was incorporated into the newly constructed ‘dry ‘ garden . Nature’s river on our boundary maybe now dry , but technology has restored the sound of trickling water . 

Covid prompted the next phase of planning . A potager would provide an outlet for spare time, and food security in uncertain times . Considerable effort , and expense , was indeed devoted to this activity . Not so much planning , but incremental , and generally unplanned activity . Paths were  concreted ; cold frame , greenhouse and compost constructed ; plants and seeds added.

 Birds especially enjoy the improved variety in food available . Plans were thus extended to include fruit cage ; well meshing the entire plot as the sparrows were enjoying the lettuce.  A frame was well engineered , although I say that myself . It provided an abundance of perches! The meshing was ordered from the UK ; held up by Brexit, VAT demands then incompetence as it was delivered too small . No fear ! A replacement has arrived , this time 20 metres too long ; the supplier was clearly taking no risks this time . In the preceding two months  most of the soft fruit has disappeared with the birds.

Oh dear ( yet again ) . The water demands of the potager has exceeded recyclable availability ; there is now not enough water for other than a monthly outing for our river feature . This was planned for , as the backwash water from the pool has been diverted in to the recycling tank . That is, when it is actually available !

Next ‘planned’ activity . A drain was constructed 1.5m deep ( by the ‘Easter bunny’ and ‘handy Andy’ ) to remove excess water outside the pool lining . This was now be successfully repaired ( by ‘‘toboggan’ man ). The pool pump was relocated to a new house ( by ‘Noel” ) and wiring completed ( by ‘Lumière’  ).  Don’t you just love their ‘handles’. ( apparently now a Twitter definition ). All this work required the planned emptying of the pool . ~During refill , of course , the forage ran out of water again . The local wine cave is providing the tanker capacity to refill , but we have yet to find the necessary water . ~Still they have sufficient wine , if necessary . That would result in many an unplanned intoxication . 

“But Mouse, you are not alone,

In proving foresight may be vain:

The best-laid schemes of mice and men

Go oft awry,

And leave us nothing but grief and pain,

For promised joy!”

Or in the original “ Burns “ version 

But, Mousie, thou art no thy-lane, 

In proving foresight may be vain; 

The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men 

Gang aft agley, 

An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain, 

For promis'd joy! 

never a truer word!



Crowded Places

Now that looks painful! …. And planes. Looking up at the sky it doesn’t seem all that crowed; Flight-tracker tells a different story ( see s...